Monday, 5 December 2011
This are the 4 cubs whose Mother was Killed by Lions at Naboisho, now they have made it on there own how nice, We meet this young Cheetahs in a very rainy day not good light however its still Magical to see them being strong and still supporting each other to the last min Lol.
There Father found them and they got hassle for a few hours but he them Left them a long, Cheetahs as I said to you all early on my Blog they are getting few and few, I belief some of you who had been in the mara in the last few months had straggle to see one.
Its had to drive for days and hours endless without seeing our fastest animal on earth going down slowly!!!!!!.
Naboisho have most of the Cheetahs I can count now in the Maasai Mara I have counted up to 12 Cheetahs bless the people who help to create this conservancy.
Have a good day in the office,
Jackson Looseyia.
There Father found them and they got hassle for a few hours but he them Left them a long, Cheetahs as I said to you all early on my Blog they are getting few and few, I belief some of you who had been in the mara in the last few months had straggle to see one.
Its had to drive for days and hours endless without seeing our fastest animal on earth going down slowly!!!!!!.
Naboisho have most of the Cheetahs I can count now in the Maasai Mara I have counted up to 12 Cheetahs bless the people who help to create this conservancy.
Have a good day in the office,
Jackson Looseyia.
On the other had Olive is doing great bring up her little Daughter Bahati.
She is so well fed she could not handle the food up on the tree.
Olive had Kill two Impalas at one day and put them all in one tree what a great photo opportunity for us all who love this animals.
Nkayoni is still following them every time she make a Kill he come and beg I know its just a matter of time he live for ever like Binti, Kali, Ayah as well as his brother Paja.
Love the mara friends its full of surprises
Good Day in the office,
Jackson Looseyia.
She is so well fed she could not handle the food up on the tree.
Olive had Kill two Impalas at one day and put them all in one tree what a great photo opportunity for us all who love this animals.
Nkayoni is still following them every time she make a Kill he come and beg I know its just a matter of time he live for ever like Binti, Kali, Ayah as well as his brother Paja.
Love the mara friends its full of surprises
Good Day in the office,
Jackson Looseyia.
Friends this is an African Proverb which say; if some one have Children he or she is as if never Died.
Our old friends my be some where in the mara running around after they have been Challenge by Scar face group, Clawed and Romeo are a live in there Sons and Daughters for a long time.
I had look very where in the few days I was in the mara but not seen them. I do know they are a live some guides had send pic.
The young male remain us of His great powerful Papa Clawed and this young male is with Joy and the cubs all together.
Jackson Looseyia.
Our old friends my be some where in the mara running around after they have been Challenge by Scar face group, Clawed and Romeo are a live in there Sons and Daughters for a long time.
I had look very where in the few days I was in the mara but not seen them. I do know they are a live some guides had send pic.
The young male remain us of His great powerful Papa Clawed and this young male is with Joy and the cubs all together.
Jackson Looseyia.
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
Monday, 24 October 2011
Scar face is the new face of the Marsh pride.
This New face of the Marsh pride is here,
Its had to accept but its the lions life, Clawed and Romeo had been in the marsh for 4 years so many cubs had been fathered by this males, therefore its time they go other wise they will be mating with there owen cubs, Nature is clever and its take care of its self like it or not.
The nine cubs are no longer babies they are ready to mate if you remember during big cat live.
After the news of the Mara Marsh pride we now know Clawed and Romeo are out of the pride.
It happen with long fight with 4 brothers which came from the east may be fig tree but I think from Olkeju rongai on the south.
When Notch took over Olkeju a lot of Lions movement had taken place, the old Mama and some of the subs went towards the Look out then the five boys come east and I believe this are the males who took over the Marsh pride.
I had been following them at Double crossing area I thought they will take over Moniko pride with Cheza and Sala but they are still very strong indeed, the only one in the area with weak boys was the marsh pride.
We have lost 3 males from the River pride so call the disney pride now strong I would think they had move towards the Serengeti out of Look over Sand river area.
This the Quick updates on the Mara Lions, Paradise is still rule by Notch and his boys with 7 females and losts of subs.
River pride below Serena are now 4 lioness, 8 cubs three on the Rekero Crossing, and 1 call Lona with her cub use to be on the same pride but she move on her owen.
Mohican and three females from the New ridge pride are now together after the two males got chase by Notch and his sons towards Ole Orok Conservancy, he (Mohican) had just mated with this females and the old Marsh Males are not far off from them but will not threaten them with there age, Clawed and Romeo.
At the Double crossing area we had the three females, the younger sub had been kill by Bob when they took over for a months days, then Notch and his sons mated with them before they move on towards the east and take over Olkiombo pride.
Notch with his powerful boys had taken over Olkiombo pride consist of 10 lioness, so its largest pride they had congers so far,
They are so busy with lots of girls I think Moniko pride with Cheza and Sala are ok at the moment.
The last one to mention is the Marsh pride the old males had been seen on Rhino ridge together but Clawed was not in good shape at all, we will update you where about they are how there doing.
Bibi had now stayed on to mate with the new males the rest are still scatted all over the place but soon one by one will realize they have no where to go.
Honey boys had lost one of the strong bothers we still do not know but suspect lions on the rhino ridge,
Though they had been weaken with lose of there strong bother they are still the strongest males in the area by far, soon some young males will move in and challenge them, its the life of Mara wildness.
Jackson Looseyia.
Thursday, 13 October 2011
Sunday, 18 September 2011
Dear Friends,
After some time in the eastern Mara we now have a car Donated by KWT to naboisho Conservancy, to monitor the Cheetahs.
I went to Naboisho for just 2 nights then I meet up with 7 cheetahs in one drive, Shingo Cubs are all there too 6 of them together there mother is now gone away from the Subs,
I meet up with the 4 Subs remain after there mother and sister was Kill by lions.
This new Mother had arrive to the some area Nelson Save her with one of our guides Wilson Mpoya from a lion attack however they come here because there is less pressure on Cars.
We are still moving on to get the rest of the Marutis soon.
Kind regards,
Jackson Looseyia.
After some time in the eastern Mara we now have a car Donated by KWT to naboisho Conservancy, to monitor the Cheetahs.
I went to Naboisho for just 2 nights then I meet up with 7 cheetahs in one drive, Shingo Cubs are all there too 6 of them together there mother is now gone away from the Subs,
I meet up with the 4 Subs remain after there mother and sister was Kill by lions.
This new Mother had arrive to the some area Nelson Save her with one of our guides Wilson Mpoya from a lion attack however they come here because there is less pressure on Cars.
We are still moving on to get the rest of the Marutis soon.
Kind regards,
Jackson Looseyia.
Monday, 12 September 2011
Dear Friends After some time in Nomadic Mobile I finally found a Cheetah, It had become very had to see this wanderful animals.
I think I had seen her before when she had this little cubs with Olivier near Olkejurongai.
Shingo is still doing well though she is in the Naboisho conservancy, hope she will finish the up bringing of 6 cubs.
I hope to be there in a few days time if she will be there then I will up date you all a long side with the Left cubs from Naboisho female.
After a long hot day I found a small pride near Sand River area two males, one female and two cubs I would think its part of a large pride.
The Migration is still in Kenya though I had seen a few herds moving into Seregeti.
On the other had this majestic animals had been poach so had in the last few months near Lemek hills, Olkinyei hills, and Koyiaki Hill, Now we have a group of rangers who just for the Elephants in this area Thanks to Joyce Pool and her team a long side other friends of Kenya.
We hope they will be back and happy in the hills, there may main breeding area.
Salaams to you all my friends,
Jackson Looseyia.
Friday, 9 September 2011
Monday, 5 September 2011
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
Lose of Cheetah Mum and her unseen babies
Dear Friends,
As the Season Kick in we are have good report and bad at the same time as you would expect from a lively place like the Maasai Mara.
Just two days ago we had lost this female, we had seen her before with her cub a blind eyed one if you all remember, she lost her some where to shaped then she got pregnant after.

There is a Maasai proverb which say ''Melami Nkiragat'' meaning you will not excape fate.
The Vet wanted to help her after she had an injury but she never got up so sad.
As we are talking about this news the mother with five cubs at Naboisho also kill by Lions we think and one of the cubs is missing too we do not know up to date what happen.
This is a big lose to our Cheetah in the mara I could not sleep for a few days after this news.

The Simbas are doing well however some of them got in trouble from cattle grassers not long ago the drought is had the wildebeest migration is in direct competition to our cattle so the pressure is very high.
Good day to you all.
Jackson Looseyia.
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
Friday, 15 July 2011
Good bye and soon you will see in Naboisho

When I meet them first they run into the bushers not wanting any thing to do with people and cars.
Slowlly I had to make some friendship with them every now and them night and also evening all a lone,
This is way to aproach the wildlife when they are shy and been expose to a lot of dangers in there life.

Now they know we are not bad people we are here for them I do believe sending this message animals will communicate in a different way.

Its not that easy a good study of behavior take time and love to conservation is the Magic.
Now I have left them in good health matting and ready to bread and be a very strong pride.
Looking forward to visit them soon and for all of you who will be visiting handle them with care.
Love to you all, My friends,
Jackson Looseyia.
cheetah Mum in Naboisho

Three boys and two girls, I had followed her and she went way out of my reach some time but not in any danger,
In a place full of Lions and hyenas I do not know how this Mother raise this cubs to nearly adult hood.
Naboisho have from my experience up to 12 Cheetah, all in good condition.

As I focus my fundraise in and out of the country to safe this wonderful species I now will be moving back to Park to see how things will be doing there.
I do know Shingo and her Little family is doing well I just hope they have not been harass by Cars as the season with lots of wildebeest arrive.
Naboisho now have some help after KWT donated a car for Cheetahs in this Conservancy and I am working had with them to get the two Cars to get to the Game Reserves fingers Cross people would continue to Donate on this project.

Team lets not give up ever on what we know its a good thing to do for our wildlife in Africa the Maasai Mara.
Have a good Evening.
Jackson Looseyia.
After Naboisho
After Staying at Naboisho Conservancy for nearly a Month an Half I now have to continue my Journeys to the rest of the maasai Mara.
I had been attach to the following Males of Koyiaki Guiding school pride the largest on the area.



With help of people Like Justin Hearth, Dickson Kaelo and some of my Guides around the area now I m going to miss them just like Notch and his boys Marsh pride in Musiara marsh.
I then found another small pride call Enoolera pride North of KGS of 7 lions 4 females and 3 young male at their prime.
I have found a real treasure in Life being with wild life how satisfying it is to see them have a future.
I should say a big thank you for those Men and women who work had to create this Conservancies My God they had given Us all hope for our Big Cats who so much Threaten in our countries.
Thank you must go Base Camp Foundation, Tusk Trust, Rekero Conservation Trust, and now to Kenya Wildlife Trust,
Also the following Camps for braving to invest even when things are not so well or Positive they sow it even though it was a had and risky decision, Asilia Africa, Base camp wilderness safaris, Mara Encounter, and Kicheche Safaris also not to forget Game Watchers through Porini Camps and Lodges.
I must pack up and Go to Mara North for the next few Months Looking for Joshua and his prides long live the Maasai Mara.
Best wishes to all my friends,
Jackson Looseyia.
Saturday, 18 June 2011
Naboisho conservancy

Dear Friends,
I am still in Naboisho the Lions had been had to see them during the Day due to the numbers of Cows during the Day and Night as well.
Overall the place is fantastic still great wildlife experience.
Saitoti the Dominant Lion of Koyiaki Guiding School pride had stay on even when things are tuff he still need to protect his pride.

For the last week or so I could not find our cheetah mum with 5 cubs until yesterday found her done well to raise this wonderful cubs 3 boys and 2 females.
Nice to spend time with her and the Cubs.
Have a good day in the office you all.
Jackson Looseyia.
Thursday, 16 June 2011
Notch or Kali

Notch on the move,
After missing this old Male for a few weeks, I found him far from his main teritory God know where his heading to.
Notch and his 4 sons had taken over most of the maasai mara from Main Crossing, Topi Plains, not far off from the Marsh pride, Double Crossing right to edge of OOC, and still moving on.
I had found them with one of the 3 lioness from the Double crossing pride, however the smaller member of the pride is missing I think still running away from Notch boys.
The Main Males from this pride had gone too since they are 2 against 5 not a chance for them.
This Little pride will not keep the Notch and his boys here Bob I would think, he will like to Challenge Cheza and Sala at OOC.
While the rest may go back to Rongai, and River Crossing they took over from Fang.
I really do not know what will happen to so many cubs that are Fathered by this group its only time will tell.
The Marsh pride may not be speared either this boys are too powerful.
Go Notch, Ron, Bob, Notch II and Caesar
Thursday, 9 June 2011
Naboisho conservancy

Saitoti the King of Naboisho Main Pride.
The conservancy is facing some challangers like Cattle, coming in during the day and at Night.
After the creation of Naboisho a lot of game had come back very fast, Cheetah, Lions, and Leopard among other preditors.
Lots of Elephants, Hippo, Zebras Giraff are present in this area.

I will be working in this place for a whole Month then will move back to the reserve and Mara North.
Naboisho is crucial to the area surrounding the maasai Mara national reserve, because of the loita Migration, this numbers are not as many as the Seregeti migration but its nearly half the size.
Most of the cheetahs had been running into this place for breading reasons now had finally ID as many as 12 Cheetah.
Its also home to the white head vultures which are getting rear in the whole ecosystem.
In the last week I have been driving around I had found very special birds like Yellow neck Spur Fowl, Golden Pipit, Magpie Shike, and the rearrest bird in East Africa, Karamoja Aplis.
Its special to live in this place and see it grow.
Love to you all,
Jackson Looseyia.
April Trip

I have been a long time since I had communicated, I had travel to USA and found the country just as good intresting as our own.
I arrive LA after 16 hours flying from Dubai, and crash for a few hours.
Then travel to San Diego to meet up with Aardvark boss John Spence.
We had been very lucky with the weather warm clear and the sea was nice every day we walk around the ocean.
I took a walk on Torry Pinne Park to see what I can see, it was just natural beaty and wanderful views.
The next day a friend Chip Owen took me to San Diego Zoo, I did not think I would like but I had some other things in mine, I love and miss the wildlife of Africa.
To my Surprise I love every min of it, so well done this Zoo.
Some of the animals I sow there are near extinction like the Northern White Rhino, Panda, among others.
I sow the rear Okapi, if I would had spend top Dollar to see this animal it could had been difficult knowing its only found in Congo.
The list is endless spend the whole Morning and do date I still think about it.

After 8 days of had work Marketing I travel north to Utah, to meet the Boss of Safari Tim Lapage.
He took me to another great county from Mexican Mountains to Bryce Canyon.
This had remain to be the highlight of my trip in the States.
Utah is very beautiful, indeed I was sock, we sow prong horn deer, and Elk on our flight which was like out of Africa.
I finish this trip and head home Kenya long time to be way from the office.
Landed in Jomo Kenyatta and went strait to TZ Taragire national Park for two weeks.
This was just fantastic to see and smell the wilderness of Africa.
Salaams to you all,
Jackson Looseyia.
Friday, 8 April 2011

Olive Nkayioni and one of little cubs
After some time we now had conform one of the little cubs had been missing, I do not think we can see the little cub any more which was a boy, Now Olive and Nkayoini had been together with the Little cub female, feeding together and resting in one tree some time.
For the time we have follow Olive, and the two cubs its just like the days of Big Cat Live, where we found this leopard with Binti, Ayah and Kali, Olive had just repeated the same, she is a good Mother more than I have learn in history of Leopard.
Have a good day.
Jackson Looseyia.
Friday, 1 April 2011
Cheetah in Naboisho Conservancy

Before we had our breakfast In Naboisho camp, we found yet another star from the guiding school area. A mother with 5 cubs, just imagine the fun looking at this young Cheetahs play hid and seek.
You can tell clearly this mum have not see a lot of cars she was shy and not giving any time at all good for her.
When we meet her right in the open she started walking towards the safe heaven she always new, the Acacia thorn tree line of forest in the Area.
As you all know how had this days to see Cheetahs I am glad to meet this ones at Naboisho.
The cubs did not care if we are there or not it was playing time, this group had done so well I could not believe my eyes what I was looking at after some long days and had drives in the Mara without any Cheetah.
The affect on Cars surrounding this species is very clear most of them had left to quiet place like Naboisho, Bless the people who had work had to form this heaven for our animals.

I would still suggest we help our National reserve to bring the glory back to our enjoyment also for the future of our Children and there, just like this one I had at Naboisho.
Kind regards.
Jackson Looseyia.
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