After I had been at the reserve for a few days I am now at Mara north conservancy, I could not believe in my Eyes how the wildlife is in this place,
Heads of wildebeest, Zebras, Elephant, and many other small antelopes,
I had encounter Once again Joshua pride now very heavily pregnant its very exiting to see when they give birth to Little lions.

The Cheetah with a cub some time ago who had a blind eye is also here we sow a lot in just one Hour of a drive.

As You know I love leopards too, the nest day we had some of them are in the area we went around and we found them what a superb day for my guest and my self, I have now seen all things are possible Mara North is getting there I would think in the next 3 years it will be the best place to see cats in the mara, both Cheetah, leopards, and lions,
Have a good day in your office friend I am off to look for Nyam yam,
Jackson Looseyia.