Dear Friends,
As you can imagine how nice the mara is now after the rains, we have seen an explosion of lions cubs in every pride.
Our lions of Olkiombo pride have got 10 cubs and it looking more coming.
The pride is still intact with all females together a long side there three males.
The mash pride is doing well too however after a split some of the young are straggling to we hope they will get through this had period before the return of the pray.
Shakira at the last time I sow her she was still on the conservancy but we have not had any news of her.
The J5 all doing well Olive near the Air strip on a kill but the cubs are hidden again this time, I don't blame them with the number of cars looking at there mum.
The honey boys are still going strong indeed yesterday they were every where looking for girls, a few of them are in the area ready to mate so they are all over the place.
I had meet once again with Allana in the early morning light on my way to the marsh that was why I was late to see the marsh pride before they went in to the long grass in the mash.
The office new are real hot a lot of happening.
See you soon on the web or in Kenya.
Jackson Looseyia.