Nkayioni above.
Dear My friends,
I now want to once again like to say a big thank you for all who shard teas or commended on Red.
Most had for me than any one, I live with this animals, every day on drive I meet them, I get to learn each one of them character, that was the had part for me more than any thing.
The marsh pride had gone through this problem all the time year after year, and an reported I must say now I have been your eyes ears up here at the maasai mara, I am there now on behalf of the Mara lions to let the world know what hardship the Lions are going through but have little I can do at the moment.
We must admit the problem is there, here we are with a National reserve ruled by a weak system and nothing I can do, as well as you all but, to put some pressure on the relevance people to make it work some day.
Paja Below.

The mara have all the money you need in the world but all doing the wrong thing, as a result the Staff who should be running the day work of the reserve are left withought cars, poor infrastructure, No communication and the Locals have taken advantage of the situation.
I love to do some thing as you all suggested but I am so worried to do any thing that can fail as I hate that.
The only thing I can have as hope for the marsh pride is the Mara North Conservancy if this work we are all won the war withought a doubt.
I am on fire like through my fingers as I type this Post anger and frustration.

Any way what I was going to tell you is yesterday our friend Paul Kirui meet up with Olive cubs and we are now on the proseses of giving them names.
I wish you all well at the end of this day and be bless all the way to your homes.
Jackson Looseyia.