Tuesday, 29 September 2009

shakira and the girls

This morning Shakira and the girls had an encounter with honey boys woe mbili went like a wind and up to now she is still not with her mother and the sisters.
Poor mbili but this is the way to go if they will ever be in-depended, Life in the wild can be so had but not too bad it just look like.
We will update you on how there are doing if this is the beginning of a long road to freedom.
The mara is full of action.

Salaams to you all

Jackson Looseyia.

Monday, 28 September 2009

notch family

Notch running for his life.

Dear all 
I have been too busy in the mara did not have a min to breezes,
After all we are not complaining tourism is a good thing gives as jobs to look after our families.

Notch big headache 
Olkiombo male.
In the early morning we had this thunder of roar from lions quik we went to our suprise notch is gone to trouble olkiombo pride with his sons.
Neither did he now the boys of Olkiombo are very strong and the sons got really scared of them.
Notch run run poor thing, we said as the two of olkiombo pride on there tail, Notch and his boys did not run for long before they turn around and give the Olkiombo boys such a had time until they split in one every one was out of the forest including binti, worthogs, impalas extra.

Binti flash out by notch.
What a powerful boy notch.

A few days later he was limping I think must have run into more trouble.
And today near the serena pump house relax not worry thinking about how to conger the next pride.
Notch have now taken over the ridge pride and paradise pride not long before he get to the mash.

Salaams to you all, 

Jackson Looseyia.

Saturday, 5 September 2009

Miujisa Funds Close.

Dear Friends 
After a long periond of raising funds of miujisa who lost her mother near Olkiombo airstrip I now want to thank you all for the funds you have raise.
We have raise in £ 2,668.44 great news we don't have any credit to the Hardwire or Rekero Trust.
The total we need was from JS hardwire was 251,354.60/- Kenya Sh. and we ordered the sand and ballast for 24,000/- ksh. total of 278,354.60/- and I did exchange on 120/- to a pound totaling £2,319.62, The Balance then of the money we have in had is £368.82.

I would like to thank Paula, and John Loveland for the had work they did raising the funds sending emails to verias people answer every one questions,
Also to the senior Warden KWS Florence for allowing us to intervene when needed be.
Ranger Saningo, and Ranger Maikuya also did the best of all for capturing Miujisa and feed her until help came.
I will also like to thank Gerard my partner in the businesses he work with me very close during fund raising and order of materials from nairobi to KWS HQ.
Again Kyur did a lot to raise funds in kenya and monitoring the development of the Enclosure while I was in the maasai mara.
All of you well done and God Bless you i am sure Moyo is very proud you in the large savanna as well we in the seen savanna.

I now declare Miujisa funds close and thank you all.

Best wishers 

Jackson Looseyia.


Binti in the early morning.

Once again,
I like to tell you on the spotted cats, we have found Binti very much every day on our drives and why she had not bride we don't know yet.
There is nothing as good in the morning like to meet to meet up with the most beautiful cat like this one.
She is not far from her mother Olive but no trouble on who is doing what in the territory, the only trouble is kali we have not seen him at all in two weeks I m sure he is ok some where in the mara.

The girls are all doing well very much stay near the TZ border no harry to come back to mara paradise Plains.

very best
To you all,

Jackson Looseyia.

The ridge pride

Hamjambo wote,

Since the departure of Snuggle tooth, the ridge pride have run into many troubles.
We have been watching this pride very closely as it cross the Mara river back and forward.
A lot of other lions are crossing there territory and cossing a lot of problems including injaries to some members of the pride.
Last night near camp they are fighting to more other lions and on the move again this morning towards the river.
Until this pride is taken over by a new male they will continue having problems,
 Notch and his boys in the last month have try to take over but no luck yet as this pride is not settle.
The young boys are still mothers depended so we hope the take over is not too soon.

Notch on the other had is not moving very far from the main crossing he now is a father of five little cubs and he is keeping a close eye to his young family bless him.

when I visited the mash pride they were all over the place from the bila shaka to the mash and lost of food around them.

The Three graces are just about to be name and I would like you all to put some names forward for Sara and Governors camp who the most near neighbors to this pride more than any one in the mara can help and support us when ever any thing happened to them though.

Big salaams to every one and more new for the office soon.

Jackson Looseyia.

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Olive and Cubs

We can now say she has new cubs after long time waiting to see a photo from any one.
All good news for the mara.
What a happy day in the office.

Jackson Looseyia.