Dear Friends,,
Once again we are back to wetness the action on the mara, Our lions at last had got what they need after a long time food, you can see this cubs from Notch Pride or Paradise tack in to the meal.
Notch pride had split into two now but only the females not the males, two females killed this wildebeest then taken over by three and cheese the two far away, the cubs came in and no trouble from the females.
Then this powerful boys are still the dominant group of cheetahs in our area no one can challenge them still,
With the migration being here no problem with food supply therefore a lot of action after every three days if you follow Honey boys.
Still the cheetah are rear in the reserve if they go mmmm we will struggle to see some cheetah,
Shakira is still in the conservancy and her cubs which I think may be going between the two countries Kenya and Tanzania.
Olive on the other had are doing well we have seen then in the last two days successful hunts and the boys Paja and Nkaiyoni is going strong no worry about them.
Not gone yet they will stay for a little while being boys.
There father Golden balls is with them a lot of the time we sow him with Olive yesterday hunting at together rear thing to witness.
Salaams to you all
and hope to see the marsh pride, Shakira, Saba, and Olkeju ronkai pride,
Good day in the office.
Jackson Looseyia.