Dear all,
After such a long time we now can breath Kali is ok doing well, I think he just went on long safari but now back to his home.
To all of us its a great joy, he is now able to bring down large animals such as wildebeest on his own without the help of mama Olive or Sister Binti.
I am so glad this morning when I finally meet him again one Kilometer out of our camp towards the mara river.

So we all have a day of celebration for Bwana Kali he is doing well, Just a small wound on his neck which I think from mama hog protecting her little ones.
To let you know on the Girls Moja, Mbili, and Tatu they are all together with Shakira in the mara conservancy heading towards kichwa tembo.
Salaams to you all again.
Jackson looseyia.
Jambo Jackson
How great to hear that Kali is back and doing well.
Also Moja Mblili and Tatu are still with Shakira - that's great news.
Jambo Jackson
Great news that Shakiras family are still together.
What great photos of Kali! I can't believe how he has grown-when we saw him he was a tiny cub!!
He is a beautiful looking leopard.
Jackson, there has been no Big Cat Diary this year. Do you know if more is planned for next year-it would be so disappointing if it were the end of an era.
i don't think it will be long before Moja Mblili and Tatu leave.
As Jackson commented, they are providing for mum, not the other way round.
Shakira might do what she did with Duma and leave early
no chance of any news on Duma is there
Joe Crammond (also known as Liontoto16 for Big Cat Raw)
So pleased to hear news of Kali!!
take care
Apesey x
Jambo Jackson
Wonderful news that Kali has returned and what a handsome cat he is!
Am also relieved that Shakira and her girls haven't wandered out of the conservancy.
Enjoyed catching up with your last few updates and photos - thanks Jackson for all your work in keeping us updated on our furry friends,
Asante sanna
Mama Duma x
Its good to hear this great news! I love catching up with my favorite big cats. Any word on Tamu? Thanks again!!!
Jambo Jackson
Lovely pics of Kali and so pleased he is doing well. I hope the little wound on his neck heals well.
He sure is growing up isn't he.
As always your updates are really appreciated.
Jambo, It is good to hear that Kali is alive and well. Obviously Olive taught him well. Bringing down a Wildebeest is not easy for a Cheetah.
Hope you and the Jackson 5 are doing well. Keep up the good work, and keep us up to date on all the activities on the Mara.
Salaams, Mike In Texas, USA
jackson thank you so much for all you FAB updates I have been so enthralled with all the stories and amazing pictures of all the animals in yr office. I have followed Big Cat for years and look forward to yr updates..Iadora Shakira and her famility and am so glad they are still altogether. Kali is beautiful and strong now thank goodness he is alright. Keep up the good work and thanks again for all yr hardwork.
Please! i am a brasilian guy with realy bad english, but maybe you can try understand me.
I saw a video from Honey the cheetah, when she is protecting her cubs that's the video:
And now I'm fascinate by the african song in the begin, can you help me find what's song is that?
Hi the lucas,
I have look at the you tube of Toto and the song are east african one religion but in a native language
Lovely to see the gorgeous Kali is doing so well on his own. He is a force to be reckoned with!!
Shakira's three girls were only 7 months old when we saw them in March, and Shakira was bringing down the prey for them. I should think with her expertise they are able to hunt for themselves now.
Good to hear you now have rain in the Mara!
ID Love too see another series of The Big Cat LIVE,PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!
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