Tuesday, 1 October 2013
Q what happen to her Body ?
This what had happen after we all cry and say good by to Olive, the Rangers had to do there Job and take her to the Head quoters, what will happen to her then we do not ask, it there Job,
I do support our Park Rangers on what they did, on the last few years we had some problem on Poaching on the maasai Mara surrounding and if Olive is left to the natural world to take care of her, more Question could be ask, one She is one of the most famous leopards in Kenya, would some take her skin? for Trophy ? two Leopards are very beautiful cats could some still it for other use ?
I agree with the Rangers now and may be later when things are 100 percent in Africa then we can live our great wildlife bodies to benefit the wild.
Asante Sana and my big thank you to Solomon Koikai he did a good Job God bless you, and the rest of your Rangers Team,
Jackson Looseyia,
My Last day with Mama Olive
Solo and I could not bear it what a sad day my friends
That very night was different than any other night I lay in my tent over looking Rhino Ridge, the window of my tent are well open to a low nice flow of cool air to flow in my tent, Over head large Olive Trees shaded me and Lots of noise from the Migration out on the plains, out on the distance whooping Hyenas and the african night sounds were louder, I was a wake for a long time,
And this what was going on In my Mind, " what a mistake this was, what if she run onto that Olive tree I so near here death place, may be there were more lions ? what if she run so fast into the Uclea Forest this would had not happen, it went on and on, I had to go out of my tent so many times for a short call, it was a long night for sure, We all make mistakes some we regret for life, some we we do not live to tell a story, some live dip scars on us but mistake are mistake no one is ready for it no matter what.
Well Love you all, and thank you for your support my friends,
Jackson Looseyia
Saturday, 28 September 2013
Dear Friends,
Well after a lot of silence I am now back to let you all know what is the Maasai Mara news,
Two very big news and Sad Notch the king of Maasai Mara is still missing, I was guiding a well known wildlife photograph Andy Rouse for 2 weeks and Notch was on the Agenda, we did not found him even though I had refuse to accept he was not here any more I still had hope one day I will find him around the corner with his cubs as always,
I so lots of cubs from Fig tree pride to Harmerkop pride, I went to find Olkeju rongai pride, Olkiombo and the river Pride Notch was no where to be found, that is when I started becoming sad indeed,
We all new some day the old king will sleep, and head home to very large savanna, may he is there ??
I had From a few guides that the Park Rangers had found remains of a male Lion but if Solo was not there to prove to them that this is Notch it will be very diddicult for any one to tell it need some experts, especial when very little of him is on the ground,
I still hope he is a life but my hope are running down quickly, in the wild I do not want to conclude and say its over this place is full of surprises,
Just a few days ago while was parking my Mobile camp back to the store after such busy season Pius From rekero camp send me a text, OLIVE HAD BEEN FOUD DEAD KILLED BY HYENA,
I got up quick get into my KAQ Toyta Head to Olkiombo area, it was beautiful morning the mara was full of wildebeest from Rhono Ridge to Double cross all heading to the east following the green grass after the rains, some how I was still thinking what had happen,
I arrive to the Air Strip early when our Park Rangers are getting ready to receive there arrivals,
I went to meet up with there Senior and ask if he can come with me to go and find out this news and what had had happen,
He was a little hesitant and said oo may be your going to put the Internet the bad news of the predictor.
I insist we have go now no more Q please, it had rain that day and the Talek crossing was sleepery but my Toyota prove to be great and no trouble crossing,
2 mins heading to the South east of Olkiombo we found Onesmas from Rekero and Solo the Ranger who new Olive the Star of Talek River,
Every one was very sad very little hallow, we look at each other no words to discribes seeing Mama Olive still on the ground, no one could even touch find out what had happen to her,
I was very sad indeed I had to look away very now and then just hid my wet eye from the other Gentlmen, some said to me then the Talek river will not be the Same without Olive the queen of stealth,
Solo was very sad indeed I do not remember us say any thing, I quickly got glove and started to check her what had happen, I came to a congluton that she was Killed by Lions but just one lion, the super hunter had very large wounds on her head and we measured and found it was only lions had such power break her skull,
I stood there when More cars arrive, some with guest and very upset guides from the Mara,and I help to load Mama Olive on the Back of the Pick up and still did not believe my eyes that Olive was not there any more,
No one wave or said any thing every one went there way and say R.I.P QUEEN,
This two stories had been very had for some like me who is with this animals every day, when they hunt, fight, take over Teritory play and groom there cubs, you name it,
To all fans of Big Cats it's big Pole to you all and lest hope Bahati, or Saba will take Olive place but never the same again,
Jackson Looseyia,
Sunday, 24 February 2013
Dear Friends,
The Paradise Pride where Notch Started is starting to have cubs now, we have meet all two large male from the Mogoro pride and have taken over residents at Main Crossing with this pride, This Males numbered unto 4 may be responsible for Notch 6 son, Soon after they have taken over the Mogoro Pride Chase Notch and his Sons over to this Side of the River they have been Dominant on the mara Triangle,
They are Doing well with there many prides just like Notch and his Sons on our Side of the River.

Monday, 18 February 2013
Now Malaika have a young Male, one other Cheetah in Mara North have one young Male, Tatu at Olkju Rongai have 2 boys and one female, Narasha have 2 girls, Most of the Cheetah in the are are Males but we have 4 mums which will help to populate the area nice, Our Shingo boys went to Mara Triangle and as I got the updates from there they have a total of 16 Cheetah more than we have in our large area,
We have not had much of problems on them lately tough the Wood all goes well coming months, Cheetahs can break your heart so early since they are very venerable to all other large predators.
With Our spotted Cats all having been great though I would still say Cheetah is still remain the most venerable of all, Now we have Olive and her Totos so much flaring the Mara, most are getting to adult,
Nkayoni is gone, Paja, Kali, Binti and Aya had all became independent though we see then every now and then, New had come from one of the Camps that Binti had been spotted, this all Possible,
On the way to independent are Malaika and Saba the little cub which I just sow the other day in the croton bushes.
On the other Side of the Park Musiara Marsh the pride here is doing so well, after a take over from the old Males Romeo and Clawed, it could be better, lost of cubs and fantastic expiation of Lions in this place, Now 8 Females from the Main Pride and 4 from the breakaway females this put the Marsh pride at the top of all large prides in the Northern Mara, Olkiombo is getting large but not any where close to this one,
As years goes by we keep on following the old Male Notch and his Sons, Now so big nothing is enough for them being prides of Lions they have taken over, Buffoes taken down for food and its Hippo every now and then, I would think if it was not for his sons Notch will not be here with us today,
The collation of Might Males had given us Guides the best excitement of our time in the safari, when ever we meet this Boys our hearts bit very fast I do not know why, may something we all have to experience and see if any one can translate it.
Just now having a hippo Kill on Rongai said between Olkeju and Olkiombo right in the middle of the plains with there third ever pride to conger Rongai Pride.
Friday, 15 February 2013
Hi Friends,
In the last few days I have stay in the Maasai Mara I meet up with most of our Lions and cheetah Leopards included,
Well Narasha is on of the OOC females but now days she travel between OOC and MNC .
It was great to follow her from Topi Plain all the way to the Gorge where she end up at top of Olare Orok,
The rest had been great the Breakaway females, the Main Pride from the Marsh and May more.
Sunday, 10 February 2013
On arriving to Olkiombo I ask the other guides where about is Mzee Notch is and his sons,
Just mins after I had a radio call from one of the guides, if your looking for Notch he is above olkiombo with his two sons,
We went and meet him midday and off
cose he was flat,
Later that evening we spend the whole evening with Notch until he woke up from this bedroom of Croton bushes,
The next day we spend some time with Narasha and her two cubs,
Saturday, 9 February 2013
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