Members of Naboish, Olare ork, and Emotoroki come to witness.
While I was at home I have meet up with some good community Ideas from ladies to men It was very exiting to see some people are coming with some solutions like addressing the cattle wildlife grazing areas conflicts.
Ron Beaton the founder of Olare Orak conservancy as well as our father of Rekero camp and homes for a long time have come up with this excellent Idea of harvesting the grass than banning in every year while we know the communities will need the grass in had times.

Over the years we had burn the grassland to get more grass genate and keep the ticks under contral now I thing this is the best project ever in maasai land and other parts of the country

Ron and all other members of Olere Orak conservancy if this works it will help the parks to and protected areas from the ongoing conflicts every year being the mara or Tsavo you name its.