Dear All
After a long such and ID we finally have Shakira and she have Six cubs at Olkeju Ronkai area,
She must had cross near mara new bridge on look out hill,
I would like every one to have a look at there files too to make sure we are in the same page,

This are her six cubs so cute
Take care
Jackson Looseyia,
Wonderfull news Jackson, thank you for keeping us all up to date with the news. Hopefully my guide Fred and I will be lucky enough to catch sight of them while I am on the Mara in a couple of weeks time.
Thanks for the news Jackson, that brought smile to my face.
so happy you have found Shakira Jackson with 6 more cubs - if anyone can keep them safe and well she can!
Take care
Ohhhh, how beautiful she is. Thank you for the update Jackson! May they remain safe and well for a long time!
thanks very much for the update
did somebody drop their fertility medicine in a nearby river where the cheetah drinks? lol
i guess nature is trying to help the cheetah species increase its chances of survival.
i have recently found the big cat series on youtube and have been enjoying it. thanks.
Well done Sita/Shakira - 6 cubs is fantastic. I hope she is able to look after them all and keep them safe. She is an amazing mother.
Thanks for letting us know Jackson.
hi jackson,
asante sana for this good news about shakira and her 6 cubs.
I hope I can see she in oktober 2010 healthy with all her girls and boys.
bye bye and have a nice time
Thats brilliant news Jackson. Shakira is such a wonderful mum and I pray all six cubs will remain safe and well. Hopefully you will be able to keep an eye on them and let us know how they are all doing. Do they have any names for them yet Jackson?
Thank you again for the wonderful news.
Dear Jackson,
Just returned from Masai Mara. The Mara is now the true love of my life! I came to the to see big cats. I am a Big Cat Diary fan. I was so blessed to actually see Shakira and her six cubs. That was a sight! Her cubs were so small, but alert. They followed their mom very closely. Cheetahs are my favorite of the big cats. But I also saw the Marsh pride of lions. I saw Bella's daughter Olive and Olive's son Kali. However, the Mara is so rich with wildlife. It is rich in it's beauty. It is rich in Masai culture. What a spectacular land! What spectacular people! My husband and I had a fantastic time in Masai Mara and will be back next year! Until then Jackson we will count on you to keep us informed about all our big cats, especially our baby cheetah cubs.
thanks for the info... Joe
what camp did you stay at and what guide service did you use .... interested because you got to see all the big cats.... :)
thanks again..... Joe
This is such wonderful news Jackson. We have just returned from the Mara and we were so lucky to see Shakira and her cubs as well as another cheetah mama with 2 cubs. We feel blessed to have seen all the big lion prides as well as Olive and Kali and Honeys boys!
Let us hope that all of the cubs can reach adulthood and help the cheetah population in the Mara.
We were delighted to speak to you Jackson, whilst out on a game drive-it was the topping on a fabulous day of meeting up with all our favourite cats.
Can't wait to return next year, but in the mean time we look forward to reading your news on life in your office!
Asante sana, salaams x
Awesome news Jackson. Thanks for finding Shakira, and sharing this grand news. I hope she is able to look after them all and keep them safe.
Do you have any news on her grown-up three daughters ?
Hi Jackson! This is great news! I've followed your blogs since they started. I wonder if I could send you some pictures I took in 2007, in the Mara, of a cheetah and her 5 adolescents.Wondered if you could identify them for me?
Jambo Jackson,
At last, news of Shakira! Where has she been all this time?
I am so pleased to hear that she has been positively identified as the "proud mum of 6" by you and your fellow officers in the Mara.
More pics please!
Hi Jackson, I returned from the Mara recently, and in the triangle we saw a mother cheetah with 3 cubs ? 6 months old, two males one female
Two days in a row they were feeding on small wilderbeests, looking healthy, but one of the males seems to have a broken tail, hope that does not cause him problems in the future. hopefully with his brothers help he will do well
Hi Jackson
cross fingers for tomorrow ;-)
Please post some other pics of this female cheetah because to me the spots pattern does not match with Shakira.
Olivier, I agree that we should have a positive I.D. of the cheetah mom (Shakira ?) with six cubs. But the Mara is Jackson's "office" so let's give him credit for being able to I.D. and update us on our big cats. In the meantime let's celebrate the life and beauty of these precious cheetahs!
we've been in the mara mid october and shakira and all of her cubs are fine.
i just got news today that they are stillfine today.
if you like i can put some photo's on line
Nice post dear sir,
Thanks for sharing this meaning full information.
I daily visit your website it totally benefits for me.
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